Saturday, November 24, 2007


I love to sing. Really, I do it to benefit the fortunate people who happen to be around when a tune takes over my head. I am well aware of my amazing voice and I feel it is my duty to share it. I would describe it as the voice of an angel. Now I realize that I may sound as if I have quite a high head on these shoulders but I assure you there are no other words to describe my voice. I have to admit I feel my voice is slightly underappreciated by those I try to share my talents with. I have even been sternly told to SHUT UP! a time or two. But I will continue to share the beauty, I refuse to be discouraged by those who clearly need their ears tuned.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you won't let anybody discourage you. You have an amazing voice. Some people just don't recognize true talent.

Camille said...

That's the spirit, Allison! I always had fun singing (or listening to you sing) at the gallery. Remember when we sang happy birthday to Barbie Baugh?