Monday, September 17, 2007

First Blog Jitters

I have put so much thought into what my very first blog would be about. So many wonderful thoughts have raced through my head. All of them would have indeed been ideal places to start. What's the trouble you ask? Why have the VERY first and ONLY first blog be about absolutely nothing? Just some jibberish ranting on about NOTHING! Well, let me tell you. I come up with the most brilliant ideas you would all enjoy and talk about for years to come only at the most inconvenient times possible. Such as while sauntering down the grocery store ailes or at lunch. Always while miles away from the nearest computer. By the time I get to typing it out the whit is gone. Better to carry on about nothing to satisfy the millions out there who have been anxiously awaiting this VERY FIRST BLOG. I promise, I will get my thoughts in order and post something worthy of reading very soon!


Camille said...

Yes!!! That was wonderful. TOo abd you don't like Seinfeld, because that show is about nothing, and your first post was about how it was about nothing. It's all quite fascinating, if you ask me! Keep up the good blogging...

Allison said...

AAhAAH! And you guys thought you would never get a blog out of me....

Anonymous said...

I've been waiting with bated breath your your first blog entry, and I must say it was quite entertaining, even though it was, in fact, about nothing.

You're well on your way now... be careful, you may start to enjoy it!